"2024 Austronesian International Arts Awards" Program
「2024南島國際美術獎」委託專業服務案 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG Co-Director:KE,LIANG-JHIH 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$1,800,000 (USD 56,000) 計畫主持人:林昶戎教授 偕同計畫主持人:柯良志副教授 Held biennially, it opens the heart of the world for contemporary reflection on the local characteristics of Taitung, including the natural beauty of mountains and seas, the cultural context of the Austronesian language family, environmental issues, and life memories. It encourages creators to come to Taitung, immerse themselves in the local culture, and create while experiencing the way of life of the Austronesian people in Taitung. 臺東縣政府特於每兩年辦理一次「南島國際美術獎」打開世界之心以當代省思與臺東在地特質、山海自然及南島語族的人文脈絡、環境議題、生活記憶等進行多角度國際對話。要求創作者親赴臺東進駐及創作,親身體驗南島語族於臺東的生活風貌,使作品與南島精神產生更深刻的呼應。 |
"2023 Taitung Art Exhibition "
2023臺東美展委託專業服務案 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:WU,JYUN-YI 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$1,700,000 (USD 54,676) 計畫主持人:林昶戎教授 偕同計畫主持人:吳峻逸助理教授 Organize the "Taitung Art Exhibition" biennially to facilitate interaction and exchange among local artists, promoting the deepening of artistic diversity and variety in the region. 臺東縣政府特於每兩年辦理一次「臺東美展」,促進本地與臺灣各地藝術工作者切磋與交流,以藝術深化地方多樣性與多元化,鼓勵國內藝術人才發揮創作,厚植在地藝文能量。 |
"2022 Austronesian International Arts Awards" Artist Residency Exchange Program
「2022南島國際美術獎」委託專業服務案 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:KE,LIANG-JHIH 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$2,500,000 (USD 80,407) 計畫主持人:林昶戎教授 偕同計畫主持人:柯良志助理教授 Held biennially, it opens the heart of the world for contemporary reflection on the local characteristics of Taitung, including the natural beauty of mountains and seas, the cultural context of the Austronesian language family, environmental issues, and life memories. It encourages creators to come to Taitung, immerse themselves in the local culture, and create while experiencing the way of life of the Austronesian people in Taitung. 臺東縣政府特於每兩年辦理一次「南島國際美術獎」打開世界之心以當代省思與臺東在地特質、山海自然及南島語族的人文脈絡、環境議題、生活記憶等進行多角度國際對話。要求創作者親赴臺東進駐及創作,親身體驗南島語族於臺東的生活風貌,使作品與南島精神產生更深刻的呼應。 |
2022 Taitung Grand Art Museum Art Installation:Nanhui Art Project
2022臺東大美術館藝術設置:2022南迴藝術季 計畫主持人:中原大學陳宣誠副教授
偕同主持人:國立臺東大學美術產業學系林昶戎教授 | 臺東女中康毓庭老師 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$8,500,000 (USD273,382) This project aspires to transform Taitung into a grand art gallery, integrating art with local culture, land, and nature. Through artworks, it aims to create a platform for emotional engagement and profound dialogue among artists, residents, and visitors. 本案期盼將臺東打造成一大美術館,用藝術結合在地文化、土地與自然,藉由作品使藝術家、居民與訪客能感性的接觸與深度對話。 |
National Treasure of Humanity: Traditional Embroidery Exhibition by Kinavatjesan
人間國寶:陳利友妹排灣族Kinavatjesan傳統刺繡展 Project Director & Curator:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:KE,LIANG-JHIH 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$360,000 (USD 11,579) 計畫主持人:林昶戎教授 偕同計畫主持人:柯良志助理教授 Kinavatjesan, in addition to being the first preserver of Paiwan tribal embroidery craftsmanship in Taitung County and the first living national treasure, is also recognized by scholars in Japan and Taiwan as a reporter for anthropological research. 陳利友妹女士除了是臺東縣第一位排灣族刺繡工藝保存者、也是第一位人間國寶之外,亦被日本及臺灣學者倚重為人類學研究的報導人。陳利友妹認為,排灣族刺繡有8種技法,想學的人愈來愈少,很擔心會失傳,如果有人願意學,她樂意把技術傳給想學的人。 |
110 Taitung Art Museum Art Education Promotion
110年臺東美術館藝術教育推廣 Project Director:KE,LIANG-JHIH
Co-Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$1,800,000 (USD57,893) 計畫主持人:柯良志助理教授 偕同計畫主持人:林昶戎教授 Organizing cultural and artistic promotions, encouraging the public to step out of their homes during the events, and experience the 'slow life, slow economy'. 本計畫透過臺東縣政府所辦理之「110年臺東美術館藝術教育推廣勞務採購」系列活動為發想,做一系列相關文化藝術推廣,鼓勵民眾能夠在活動期間走出家門,感受「慢生活、慢經濟」在臺東美術館發展出的人文藝術與環境在地連結。 |
"2020 Austronesian International Arts Awards" Artist Residency Exchange Program
「2020南島國際美術獎」藝術家駐村交流計畫 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:KE,LIANG-JHIH 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$2,200,000 (USD 70,758) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:柯良志助理教授 Held biennially, it opens the heart of the world for contemporary reflection on the local characteristics of Taitung, including the natural beauty of mountains and seas, the cultural context of the Austronesian language family, environmental issues, and life memories. It encourages creators to come to Taitung, immerse themselves in the local culture, and create while experiencing the way of life of the Austronesian people in Taitung. 臺東縣政府特於每兩年辦理一次「南島國際美術獎」打開世界之心以當代省思與臺東在地特質、山海自然及南島語族的人文脈絡、環境議題、生活記憶等進行多角度國際對話。要求創作者親赴臺東進駐及創作,親身體驗南島語族於臺東的生活風貌,使作品與南島精神產生更深刻的呼應。 |
2020 Taitung Craft Material Revitalization and Annual Curation
撚阡陌:2020臺東工藝材質復育暨年度策展計畫 Project Director & Curator:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:LIN,YONG-FA 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$2,300,000 (USD 73,974) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:林永發教授 This project will use plant fibers as a material for innovative design pilot demonstrations. It involves the cultivation, acquisition, and processing of raw materials, along with the implementation of material technology for restoration. The aim is to create a complete restoration industry plan by adding design value to production and conducting investigations at various stages of design. 本計畫將以植物纖維作為材料創新設計先導示範,從其原物料種植、取得與處理材料技術進行復育,且使設計力加值生產、設計等各階段調查形成完整的復育產業計畫。 |
2019 Taitung Craft Material Revitalization and Annual Curation
2019臺東工藝材質復育暨年度策展計畫:凝結的浪 Project Director & Curator:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:LIN,YONG-FA 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$3,000,000 (USD 96,488) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:林永發教授 "Frozen Waves" seeks to explore the collision, pull, and chaos between individual perception in artistic creation and rational design rules. It sparks creative inspiration and talent through the process of breaking through paths with personal intuition, aiming to find the outlet of life. 「凝結的浪」藉以探尋個人在感知的藝術創作及理性的設計規則的彼此碰撞、拉扯與渾沌之下,激發的創作靈感與才能,透過個人直覺去突破路徑的過程,找到生命的出口。 |
Taitung County Indigenous Creative Village Artist Residency and Exhibition
台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術家駐村創作策展 Project Director & Curator:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:LIN,YONG-FA 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$2,000,000 (USD 64,325) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:林永發教授 By hosting experienced artists from both domestic and international backgrounds for residency and exchange, we aim to provide a platform for talent in various professional fields. Our goal is to create a unique artistic and cultural space in Taitung, combining the abundant and diverse artistic elements from both international and local contexts to enrich Taitung's cultural landscape. 為促進本縣原住民文創聚落優秀新銳設計師之國際交流經驗,藉由具豐富創作經驗的國內外藝術創作者進駐創作與交流,提供本縣原住民文創人才專業領域交流發展之平台,期許在國內外創作者以藝術及文化的交流下,打造屬於台東在地的原住民藝文場域,結合國際與在地豐沛多元的藝術元素滋養台東。 |
Ministry of Culture "Revival of Paiwan Ancient Glass Beads"
文化部「排灣族古琉璃珠的甦醒:傳統文化與新世代的重組」 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:LIN,YONG-FA 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:林永發教授 Utilizing the 'Paiwan Ancient Glass Beads' as a medium, we aim to manifest specific cultural observations, skill inheritance and practice, community-building spirit, etc., through a cross-disciplinary collaborative process between the 'Dawu Tribal Village' and 'National Taitung University. 計畫目的在讓在地居民認識社區工藝並發展產業,此次以「排灣族琉璃珠」為主軸,本於自主參與及深耕在地之精神,帶領在地居民與年輕世代參與,並累積社區的基礎能量,冀望能激勵創意活力,進而奠定地方產業及觀光發展之基礎。 |
National Human Rights Museum Human Rights Art Education Promotion Series Events
國家人權博物館白色恐怖綠島紀念園區人權藝術教育推廣系列活動 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:SHIH,NENG-MU 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$2,000,000 (USD 64,325) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:施能木副教授 Conducting a series of human rights art events, we aim to convey the spirit of our predecessors who courageously pursued ideals through activities such as photography collections, art markets, cultural performances, and firsthand testimonies from political victims. We encourage people, especially the younger generation, to cherish the hard-won values of democracy, freedom, and human rights. 本案配合國家人權博物館成立揭牌,辦理人權藝術系列活動,擬透過攝影徵集、藝術市集、藝文表演活動與政治受難者現場說明親身經歷等方式,延續並傳承白色 恐怖歷史記憶──除療慰政治受難者與家屬心靈,同時亦向年輕世代傳達前輩們勇於追求理想之精神,鼓勵人們珍惜得來不易的民主、自由與人權。 |
"2018 Austronesian International Arts Awards" Artist Residency Exchange Program
「2018南島國際美術獎」藝術家駐村交流計畫 Project Director:LIN, CHANG-RONG
Co-Director:LIN,YONG-FA 計畫經費 Total Budget: NT$950,000 (USD 30,555) 計畫主持人:林昶戎副教授 偕同計畫主持人:林永發教授 Held biennially, it opens the heart of the world for contemporary reflection on the local characteristics of Taitung, including the natural beauty of mountains and seas, the cultural context of the Austronesian language family, environmental issues, and life memories. It encourages creators to come to Taitung, immerse themselves in the local culture, and create while experiencing the way of life of the Austronesian people in Taitung. 臺東縣政府特於每兩年辦理一次「南島國際美術獎」打開世界之心以當代省思與臺東在地特質、山海自然及南島語族的人文脈絡、環境議題、生活記憶等進行多角度國際對話。要求創作者親赴臺東進駐及創作,親身體驗南島語族於臺東的生活風貌,使作品與南島精神產生更深刻的呼應。 |