承接政府部門以及民間企業的研究調查、設計服務、展覽策畫、活動推廣、文創商品開發等產學合作計畫與專案業務,如:文化部、教育部等專案計畫,得以提供學校相關系所師生教學研究與實務 作業的機會,建立一個具有實用開發價值與展現美學經濟的產學合作平台。
Undertaking research, design services, exhibition planning, event promotion, cultural and creative product development, and other collaborative projects and business initiatives with government departments and private enterprises. Examples include projects with the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, etc. This provides opportunities for teaching and research collaboration with students and faculty from relevant academic departments, establishing a platform for industry-academic cooperation with practical development value and showcasing the aesthetics of the economy.
Project Performance:Product Design, Craft Design, Visual Design
Undertaking research, design services, exhibition planning, event promotion, cultural and creative product development, and other collaborative projects and business initiatives with government departments and private enterprises. Examples include projects with the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, etc. This provides opportunities for teaching and research collaboration with students and faculty from relevant academic departments, establishing a platform for industry-academic cooperation with practical development value and showcasing the aesthetics of the economy.
Project Performance:Product Design, Craft Design, Visual Design